
Our team is the core of the kindergarten. The basis of team work is effective communication. This includes supporting and complementing each other. The collaboration within the team creates a cooperative, equal, open and harmonious basis for team work. Every employee contributes according to their area of work.

The necessary preparation and reflection times as well as weekly team meetings are integrated in the daily running of the kindergarten. During the team meetings, the educators’ observations regarding the pedagogical work and administrative tasks are discussed and organized. The strong team spirit is based on constructive discussions and democratic decision making processes.

Once a month the entire team meets in order to reflect on its work with the necessary objectivity. The team is regularly engaging is professional development.

The relationship between the team members is nurtured through joined activities such as bowling and Christmas parties


Team Meeting

Once a week, the team comes together in order to share observations and identify ideas and interests of the children, which are used to plan and prepare projects, seasonal topics, pole play activities and songs.

A lot of time is given to discuss individual children and their behavior, skills and abilities, conflicts, difficulties, fears, position within society as well as their social, emotional, motoric and cognitive development and the child’s relationship to its care-givers, guardians, and the other children in the group. The team deliberates on strategies to solve problems and prepares parent meetings together.

Furthermore, the team plans the daily routine including, work hours, responsibilities, activities, the conducting of parent meetings, planning celebrations, planning parent evenings, organizes ideas and materials collaboratively and reflecting on possible changes within the team, current themes, the yearly planning and so forth. The team engages in informal, professional exchanges of ideas on a regular basis.

Professional development

In order to build on our abilities and competencies, all team members engage in professional training regularly. Every employee has the right to participate in trainings that are offered or take educational leave.